Who is eligible?

The Friends of Blackwater Photo Contest is open to all photographers who are at least 13 years of age, except BNWR staff and board members of FOB, and their immediate families. Entrants 13 to 17 years of age as of March 31, 2025 must only enter the youth category. Participants 18 years or older as of March 31, 2025 must register as an adult entrant and are prohibited from entering the youth category.  FOB reserves the right to verify, in its sole judgment, entrants eligibility.


What are the contest dates?

Opens: February 1, 2025

Closes: March 31, 2025

FOB anticipates notifying winners by May 2025


What are the contest prizes?

For Adult Entrants: Cash prizes will be awarded for First ($100), Second ($75) and Third Place ($50) in each subject category.  Honorable Mentions will receive a certificate.

For Youth Entrants: Cash prizes will be awarded for First ($50), Second ($25) and Third Place ($15) in each subject category.  Honorable Mentions will receive a certificate.

Winning images will be published on the FOB website and social media channels.

First, Second, and Third Place winners will be invited to exhibit framed prints at Blackwater NWR Visitor Center.


What are the contest categories?

Photographers may enter images into the following four categories. Entrants may enter all images in a single category or select different categories for different photos. The same photo cannot be entered in more than one category.  Youth entrants must enter images into the youth category. 

  • Wildlife: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc.
  • Flora and Macro: plants, fungi, spiders, insects, etc.
  • Landscapes & Waterscapes: scenic landscapes and water views
  • Nightsky


Is there a time frame limit for when the photos were taken?

Yes, eligible photos must be taken during the timeframe of January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025.


What are the technical requirements?

Digital images must be uploaded as jpg/jpeg files. The file size should be less than 4 MB per image with a minimum of 960 pixels on the shortest side and a maximum of 4800 pixels on the longest side.  Both color (sRGB) and black and white image conversions are acceptable.


What photos qualify?

We are looking for photos that showcase Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. Photos taken at the refuge in areas open to the public along Wildlife Drive, Key Wallace Drive (bridge area), Maple Dam Road and the hiking and water trails are eligible.  The following links provide maps of acceptable locations for image capture.




What images are excluded?

Photos taken (1) with drones, (2) of captive or rehabilitated animals, (3) from the wildlife cameras on the FOB website, or (4) which include recognizable people.

For this contest, a photographic image is an image captured on a light-sensitive device or surface. A photo created with artificial intelligence (AI) is not a photographic image and will not be accepted. AI renderings generated via text prompt may not be used in whole or part in the creation of a submitted image.


How do I resize my photos?

First, save a backup of the originals.  Software such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Microsoft Office Picture Manager will help you resize and save copies of your images. Look for resize or adjust size in the menus. There are also a number of online resources for resizing photographs including this ArtCall.org video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cLfrF2x_OA.


May I crop and adjust the color of my photo?

Yes. Acceptable adjustments are: color, contrast, vibrance, brightness and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; black and white conversions; and use of HDR (high dynamic range), where multiple exposures of the same scene are combined for a greater tonal range. Not acceptable are photo composites (combination of two or more photos, not of the same scene); the addition, duplication, deletion or moving of objects in the photos; or the use of artistic digital filters and effects which do not show the scene in its natural way.


May I have any type of identifying mark my photo?

No.  Judging will be anonymous.  Photos may not contain any watermarks, signatures, copyright information, text, logos, borders or other identifying marks. 


How do I register for this contest?

Registration requires setting up an ArtCall user account to upload photos and manage your account.  

·       Click on the FOB Photo Contest URL (2025fobphotocontest.artcall.org).  At the top of the Call’s page, click the Register Button to create your user profile.  Once you have entered your information, click on the Create Account button.  

·       You will get an email receipt with a link to the online entry platform to enter photos. Click the link to the website. This will take you to the Photo Contest home page.  On the top of the page, you will see a contact link, a FAQ link, and a Rules & Regulations link containing details of the of the photo contest. Please review the Rules & Regulations link, the ArtCall Photo Resizing tutorial link and the ArtCall Photo Entry tutorial link prior to submitting your entries.  Note: The Friends of Blackwater NWR Photo Contest Logo link will take you back to the home page.


Why do I have to pay to enter?

A non-refundable fee of $30 is charged for photo submissions from Adult Entrants.  This fee is primarily for supporting refuge projects but will also be used for prizes and juror fees. 


What is the maximum number of photos allowable for Adult Entrants?

The registration fee is $30.00 and entitles Adult Entrants to initially submit up to three (3) photos.  Adult Entrants can submit up to an additional three (3) photos at a fee of $10 per photo.  The maximum number of photos allowed is six (6).


How do I submit photos as an Adult Entrant?

·       To access your account, log into your account via the Login button.  Once logged in, you will be taken to your “User Dashboard”.

·       As an Adult Entrant, you can submit a total of six (6) photos.  At the drop down menu, you can select from 3-6 submissions and enter payment information (non-refundable fee of $30 for the first three submissions).  If you choose to select 3 submissions initially, you will have the opportunity to submit up to an additional three with the Purchase Submission Credits button on your dashboard until the close of the contest. Once paid, you will be able to upload your additional photos.   

·       To upload your photos, click on “Add Submissions” and enter the category, subcategory and title of your photo.  “My Entered Submissions” shows the list of your entries.  You can replace any of your photos until the close of the contest.  See the following link for a video on ArtCall.org’s registration and submission process.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7QnOh5WBhM


What is the maximum number of photos allowable for Youth Entrants?

While the Submission Page indicates that the maximum allowable photo submissions are six (6), this only pertains to Adult Entrants.  For Youth Entrants, the maximum number of photos allowed is three (3).  Any additional photos submitted beyond the allowable three (3) will be deleted by the Photo Contest Committee.


How do I submit photos as Youth Entrant?

·       To access your account, log into your account via the Login button.  Once logged in, you will be taken to your “User Dashboard”.

·       At the drop down menu, select the “3 submissions” option. Click on the “Enter Code” button and enter YOUTH2025.  The payment will register as $0.00 and you will be able to upload your photos via the “User Dashboard”.   

·       To upload your photos, click on “Add Submissions” and enter the category, subcategory and title of your photo.  “My Entered Submissions” shows the list of your entries.  You can replace any of your photos until the close of the contest.  See the following link for a video on ArtCall.org’s registration and submission process.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7QnOh5WBhM


Do I need to upload all of my photos in one session? 

No, you do not need to upload all photos at once.  You may return to your account page, by logging in with your username and password, at any time until the closing of the call on December 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm. You will also be able to delete and replace previously submitted images until the closing of the call.  



Email fobphotocontest@gmail.com with a message and the contest team will get back to you as soon as possible.